Baby Photo with Cousin: Mas Tajul

1 minute read
I am a 211 days / 7 months & 1 day old baby
This is part of baby photo with cousin series

His full name is Muhammad Mahbub Tajul Arifin. We simply call him Tajul, or Mas Tajul to most of his cousin. "Mas" stands for elder brother in Javanese.

He's the oldest son of Kyai Munib and Bu Nyai Elvy (or mbak Elvy as mom used to call her). Aunty Elvy is mom's elder sister. So, in accordance with Javanese tradition I have to call Tajul as Mas Tajul even if his age were younger than me.

Mas Tajul's mom leads a pesantren putri (an Islamic boarding school for girl) called Pondok Pesantren Putri Al Kamaliyah at Kauman Kepanjen Malang. While his father is engage in preaching activities as a preacher or as qari' (Quranic reciter) invited for special occation such as wedding party etc.

Mas Tajul is in sixth grade now. So, he's older than me by about 11 years. I wish I can be like him: going to school, meeting with friends, studying and playing together.

I have to be patient though. I am just 7 months old baby you know.

These are mas Tajul photos with me taken in gramma (Mbah Umi)'s house in Kauman Kepanjen.

Today | 15, March 2025