Baby Constipation

I am a 203 days / 6 months, 3 weeks & 3 days old baby

When it was very hard for me to poop, and dad was so happy when finally I could make it, my parents think that I got constipation.

What mom and dad thought then was understandable considering the fact that I did not make any bowel movement for ten days some signs that I might got constipated.

They finally thought otherwise, that it was not constipation, only after reading several articles regarding this bowel movement matter.

If you are as confused as dad & mom on constipation, let's read what experts have to say.

What is constipation actually?

Constipation is a condition where stools become firmer and harder. Your child will be troubled or in pain when they need to empty their bowels, and the bowels will not be emptied as often as usual.[1]

When a baby first becomes constipated, it can be the start of a vicious circle.

This is because it will hurt your baby to pass the large hard stools that have gathered in the intestine. Cracks around the anus may appear; these may start to bleed and cause more pain.

To avoid the pain, your baby may subconsciously start holding back stools, which makes the food stay longer in the large intestine.

As a result, your baby's body will absorb more water from the stools and make the stools even harder. This can cause your baby to remain constipated.

A baby who is constipated often has colic pains, because the large amount of stool in the intestines makes the intestines dilate. In some cases, the child may not want to eat and may even retch a little.[2]

Causes of constipation

The Most Common Causes of Infant Constipation are:

* Introduction of solid food(s) - breastfed babies may be more prone to constipation when solid foods are introduced. This is because their tiny tummies are used to processing the easily and highly digestible mother's milk
* Diets low in fiber
* Diets of excessive dairy products (yogurt, cheeses, milk)
* Foods such as Bananas, Applesauce, Cereals, Breads, Pasta and White Potatoes may contribute or cause constipation.[3]

Remedies and How to Treat Constipation in Babies

There are many things you can do to help relieve baby's constipation. You can change baby's feeding pattern and/or engage in some physical exercises.

Exercises to Help Relieve Infant Constipation include:

Tummy Massage - Gently massage and rub baby's tummy in a clockwise direction. Place your hands at baby's navel and massage in a circular motion, moving your hand(s) out and away from the center of baby's belly.

Warm Bath - Some medical professionals suggest giving your constipated baby a warm bath. The thought is that this may help relax baby and "get things moving" again. Give a tummy massage as you are drying baby.

Bicycle Legs - Place your baby on her back and lightly hold her legs in a half-bent position. Gently begin to move your baby's legs as if she is riding a bicycle. Alternate "Bicycle Legs" with Tummy Massage. *"Bicycle Legs" also may help to relieve a baby who is gassy.[4]

How can I tell if my baby is constipated?

When it comes to a baby's bowel movements, there's no "normal" number or schedule — only what's normal for your baby. Your baby may pass a stool after every feeding, or wait a day or more between bowel movements. Her individual pattern depends on what she eats and drinks, how active she is, and how quickly she digests her food and then gets rid of waste. With practice, you'll be able to tune in to your baby's unique habits.

If you're concerned that your baby may be constipated, there are a couple of clues to look for. One clue is less frequent bowel movements than her norm, especially if she hasn't had one in three or more days and is obviously uncomfortable when she does have one. And if she has hard, dry stools that are difficult for her to pass — no matter how frequently — she may be constipated.

By the way, if you notice very liquid stools in your child's diaper, don't assume it's diarrhea — in fact, it may be evidence of constipation. Liquid stools can slip past the blockage in the lower intestine and wind up in your child's diaper.[5]

A Photo when I was 2 month old

baby constipation


[2] ibid
[4] ibid