Baby Got Fever

1 minute read
Day 151 / 4 months 4 weeks 4 days old baby

I got fever today I cry a lot for that and this makes mom and dad a bit confused what to do.

Dad think I should go to pediatrician for checking up and getting medical treatment.

Mom, however, disagree. She think a baby who got fever or flu should not be brought to doctor before we wait for 24 hours.

Dad agrees with that he seems even glad to hear that because he actually is waiting for Telkomsel surveyor from Kepanjen who is supposed to come today to decide if dad is eligible to get approval in subscribing internet connection from Kartu Halo Flash pascabayar (postpaid)

Dad even phones Telkomsel Grapari Kepanjen to make sure why the surveyor has yet to arrive at our home.

Hours later, around 2 pm the surveyor comes. And around 7 pm the technician from Telkomsel comes. Around 8 pm, dad has got a new internet connection. He's happy to have connected again to outside world. I also am happy to be able to blog again here.

Today | 15, March 2025