Dad really wanted to know my development month by month so that he can supervise if anything not going ok. He tries to find a good and brief baby development chart for baby aged 1 to 6 months.
He finally got this good one:
Baby development chart
Newborn to 1 month
-Infant lifts head, when lying on tummy, stares at faces
1 month to 2 month
-Baby enjoys visual stimulation, follows sound and objects, makes smoother movements.
2 month to 3 month-
-Baby recognizes faces and sounds, play with hands and feet, squeals, gurgles, and roll over, ability to grasp objects
3 months to 4 months
-Baby begins to smile, laugh, and starts to grasp toys.
4 months to 5 months
-Baby begins to recognize his or her own name and turns towards new sounds.
5 months to 6 months
-Baby begins to imitate sound, will roll over from tummy to back, and starts to sit with support.
Baby Development Chart
Mei 11, 20091 minute read