109 Days Baby: Poop and Immunization

1 minute read
In the morning, I poop. This poop thing is a good news for me, a baby who used to no poop for several days. It exicites mom and dad too. The record breaking is ten days without pooping.

Another news, I do immunization again this morning at pediatrician Ms Soesi in Kepanjen. The good news is I cry only a little in stark contrast when I did immunization last month. Mom and dad are both glad seeing my resilience in resisting the tempation to cry.

Just in case you're a baby like me and wanted to know about the immunization timeline, this is something you need to tell your mom:

* At 2 months your baby will be due for DTP-Hib*, Polio and PCV**.

* At 3 months your baby will be due for DTP-Hib*, Polio and Meningitis C.

* At 4 months your baby will be due for DTP-Hib*, Polio, PCV and Meningitis C.

* At 12 to 15 months your baby will be due for Hib, Meningitis C and MMR***.

*DTP-Hib (Diptheria/Tetanus/Pertussis (whooping cough)
**PCV (Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine - Pneumococcal infection)
**Measles/Mumps/Rubella (German Measles)

Today | 15, March 2025